
pink and orange!

Heather tells me that the pink blueboard (does that make it
pinkboard?) is in place, as is the wire mesh reinforcement and plastic
vapor barrier.  Just to make sure that everything clashes, the pipes
for the radiant heat are orange.  They get installed Wednesday.  "Oh,
it's real easy" says that plumbing store salesman.  The manufacturer's
rep for the product is going to come out and help.  Stan is
subcontracting the floor to Dennis Sharlow (he comes well
recommended), who expects to be able to pour on Saturday.

NYNEX is scheduled to hook up the phone at the site Wednesday.  It's
cheaper than a cellphone, and necessary, to boot: NYNEX says that they
don't have the five pairs that I need (three voice + two data) in the
line going down the road.  Only way the business office will create
those facilities is for me to enter an order, and they won't enter an
order more than a month in advance.  Hence the phone being installed
tomorrow.  That at least gives them four months to get their act
together.  And (not inconsiderably) it lets Stan call Merriman's (the
lumberyard) or us as he needs to.

The electrical entrance has been successfully inspected by the
electrical inspector.  He'll be calling Niagara-Mohawk to tell them
that they can energize the circuit.  Maybe they've already done it?
Heather didn't say if they'd done it when she was there in the
afternoon, and who knows what happened after the left.

I had Stan put an extra penetration into the foundation, about a foot
higher than the telephone entrance.  I figure that we'll need to wire
with fiber optic cable at some point, and that's what we'll use.  I
priced piping, but 2" diameter stuff was $1/foot.  A little pricey.
Oh well, too late now, the trench is filled.

We are likely to be in the house by about Halloween.  We're heating
with an outdoor wood boiler (hence the orange radiant heat pipes).
It's been known to snow on Halloween (last year it snowed the day
after and stayed around until after Christmas), so we'll need wood
from day one.  Actually, the workers will probably want a bit of heat,
if only to keep the paint thin enough to flow.  Anyway, it seems that
wood costs $26/cord, cut and split, or $150 for a load of logs that
generates 9-11 cords.  I figure that I'll be too busy to cut and split
this year, since we'll be working on the house up to the time we'll
need the heat.

Septic system also gets dug pretty soon.  As soon as we get that
installed, and water to the site, and the slab poured, we get the rest
of the first disbursement of money from the bank.

Bugs at the site are pretty fierce.  Fortunately, the dragonflies are
fiercer -- they can outfly any of their prey.  Too bad they don't eat
